
Member Since: 5/30/2000
Total Mixes: 21
Total Feedback: 1

tagny's Mixes

tagny's Favorite Mixes

tagny's Mixes

CD | Electronic
Trying to keep up with the times and expand my musical taste. Burned this off of stuff ripped from Napster - pretty much entirely based on browsing other peoples "electronic" mixes on this site. You pe …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is all about my adoration of Napster. I don't know if Napster is "right" or not. I just know that I love it. If it weren't for Napster, I wouldn't be able to burn groovy CDs like this one to l …
CD | Jazz
A Jazzy mix for my buddy Kate. Burned the day after my beloved Ford Probe burst into flames. Also burned on the eve of the alleged Death of Napster. I'm sure many of you know the nightmare of that day  …
CD | Theme - Depression
Some of these don't look all that depressing. Listen to them all at once and try not to feel suicidal. The title comes from the first and last tracks.
CD | Mixed Genre
A mix for my friend Andy. Big Rolling Stones fan. Had to do the title and the Sophie B. song b/c of the Stones reference, of course. I also threw in some stuff he probably wouldn't be familiar with, bu …
CD | Pop
Third and final installation. I figure I can subtly subvert these kids by throwing down the occassional Devo or Pixies song, you know? And our camp dances traditionally end with that god-awful Styx son …
CD | Pop
Volume 2 of my "good clean wholesome fun" dance mixes for the Christian summer camp... These aren't really "me," but whatever.
CD | Pop
I used to counsel for a religious summer camp. I don't do it anymore, but they asked me to burn some CD's for their weekly dances. Of course, it had to be kept "clean," with limited "slow dance songs." …
CD | Theme
When I told my friends I was going to Turkey, most of them thought that they were very funny by asking, "The bird or the country? Bahahaaha!" So I decided to make a mix of songs with Istanbul or Turkey …