DJ Palindrome

Member Since: 6/11/2000
Total Mixes: 114
Total Feedback: 185

DJ Palindrome's Mixes

DJ Palindrome's Favorite Mixes

DJ Palindrome's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme - Break Up
For DJ Usurp, who went through a breakup this summer. The songs aren't meant to parallel his experience. Rather, they look at relationship troubles from different perspectives.
CD | Pop
A minor work for DJ Usurp. Sorry about the Art Brut, mate.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
Mixed for RJP on the eve of his move from Manhattan to Nashville. Which movie is better? Which town is better? I expect to know RJP's opinion in a few months. Title from Arrested Development -- the hip …

DJ Palindrome's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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