
Member Since: 6/26/2000
Total Mixes: 26
Total Feedback: 8

phirefly's Mixes

phirefly's Favorite Mixes

phirefly's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
strange mix of happyish and sad songs. like all those strange colors of bruises while they're healing.
CD | Mixed Genre
sort of a dark and slithery mix. it'd be for my best friend jesykah (from whom i stole the title) if i thought there was even a chance she'd enjoy my tastes in music. this is the second mix i've made i …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
made for me by the very awesome allison very fun. very spring afternoon :}
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a whirlwind mixtape made for donny ( i didn't even know what i was going to put on here till i sat down and started recording. it was fun and turned out so yummy :}
Cassette | Mixed Genre
for melissa, my best friend from high school, for her birthday. a lot of memories, and a lot of new stuff. i hope she likes it. we don't get to see each other much anymore, and i'm sure she'll apprecia …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
made for jason who wanted something with strong pulsing rhythms. most of these fit.
Cassette | Theme
thrown together for the halloweeny activites at work today.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
the second tape for trade with Blackadder. includes a few of my current favorites and a lot i don't listen to enough. the cover photo is snipped from american photo (oct 00?) and is by justin hackworth …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is "a short but happy life on an Asteroid" remade for a trade with Blackadder. i no longer have the original or all the cds used for it. so there are a few changes. i wish i had my other ltj cd. b …