
Member Since: 11/5/2003
Total Mixes: 8
Total Feedback: 0

antiradio's Mixes

antiradio's Favorite Mixes

antiradio's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Theme - Road Trip
!! a sincerely-ironic mix for a friend !! 28 wicked-fresh tracks of value !! margie is the coaxial beneficiary of CPR sonnet
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
i tried to drown a tylenol w/ an exhaust manifold of contrary sounds; i succeeded in destroying everyone/s expectations.
CD | Singer/Songwriter
i hadn/t built an audio tincture in a while, so some of these ditties are recycled from past excursions; who hasn/t constructed a suspension the same way?

antiradio's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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