DJ H^2

Member Since: 11/18/2003
Total Mixes: 23
Total Feedback: 14

DJ H^2's Mixes

DJ H^2's Favorite Mixes

DJ H^2's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
I made this CD to listening to on the plane while I went to New York to visit my friend. It's got a lot of different artists on there, but when you put it all together, if actually flows really well. M …
CD | Pop
I was looking to make a CD with some of my favorite rock songs, and as I was noticing that several of them were from Wayne's World. It all sort of trickled down from there. Most of these are from a mov …
CD | Mixed Genre
I know this mix won't be of interest to a lot of people on this site, but I put a lot thought into it. My little sister just gave birth birth to my nephew. She's 18 and in high school, I'm 19 and in co …
CD | Theme - Romantic
This is the sequel to my original Love Song CD, which is listed on here. I think this is a good mix of old and new, well known stuff. Personally, I like it better than my original love song CD, disprov …
CD | Theme - Romantic
This was the first mix that I put my full effort into. I really like this one cause it has a nice mix of old and new, and each song has it's own special meaning to someone. Hope you enjoy it.
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