
Member Since: 11/20/2003
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 17

danibannani's Mixes

danibannani's Favorite Mixes

danibannani's Mixes

CD | Theme - Romantic
I spent over a week on this. It isn't too dissimilar from other things I've done but there is a lot of new stuff. I'm really happy with it.
CD | Single Artist
I saw this band live and fell in love with them. I made this mix of my favorite songs so I didn't have to carry 4 CDs around with me, and have a good mix for walking to classes and such.
CD | Alternative - Punk
This mix was to celebrate the retreat of my flu from hell. The first thing I did as a healthy girl was go to an Alkaline Trio, Reggie and the Full Effect concert, so that's why I picked this genre for  …
CD | Mixed Genre
This was the companion(made first) to the Love and everything after mix. I like that one better, but this one has more of my favorites on it. Enjoy
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for a sad friend. He likes softer stuff. I'm really happy with this. My personal fav.
CD | Theme
This was a mix made for a friend that I now use as an unwind/sleep CD. It starts out with the perfect get ready for bed music and ends with the be comatose music! I know some of the songs are off theme …
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