
Member Since: 8/22/2000
Total Mixes: 74
Total Feedback: 60

Lakespeed1's Mixes

Lakespeed1's Favorite Mixes

Lakespeed1's Mixes

CD | Jazz
I always find jazz mixes hard to visualize since every take and/or performance can vary so greatly. Which is why I hestitate to post this, but intermediate starter kit of my favorite tr …
CD | Mixed Genre
Y'know, I've always thought that subliminal message shyboy indierock "crush tape" thing was for pansies. Why be subtle when being over the top is so much more ridiculously fun? (you can mix your peanut …
CD | Mixed Genre
created as a need to distract myself this past weekend...and the first one strictly for myself in a long time. the interconnectivity of seemingly disparate sonic neighbors is that every track is an ant …
CD | Mixed Genre
part of the insomnia solution (sleep inducer) or part of the problem (shiny coaster for bedside table water glass for sleeping pills)? time will only tell, but hopefully serves a dual role of superfici …
CD | Mixed Genre
the thing that's always hooked me on the music coming out of new zealand since 1980 is the seamless comingling of punk, pop, noise, drone and art with nary an ounce of 'art for art's sake' pretentiousn …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a solicited call to action, with the lofty hopes of achieving what the title spells out...barely knowing be damned! for the mysterious and charming charlotte russe.
CD | Mixed Genre
No better way to get a 2nd mix out of me than to continually comment on how much the 1st has been listened to. A sequel of sorts to last year's "The Cleaning Machine", whose inspiration was no more or  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Motion is the theme, be it spoken or implied. This plays like a leap off a precipice: a initial headstrong rush that descends into a gravity free blur. I'm plenty fond of how this one came out. Headed  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Birthday mix for the 'sis - something of a tradition at this point, I think she'd be disappointed if it didn't show up with her loot. Wide open and roaming through a bunch of styles, with a few unexpec …
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