Side Project

Member Since: 12/2/2000
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 2

Side Project's Mixes

Side Project's Favorite Mixes

Side Project's Last Three Mixes Posted

Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
For Adrian the Beatlebum. He digs melody. Don't believe us? Check here:
Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
DJ Usurp vs. DJ Palindrome. For Dave MILES A., who streaks and is a star of track and field, and thus, a beautiful person.
Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
A new mix made by a supergroup of mixers: DJs Palindrome and Usurp. DJ Usurp: "I'd been looking forward to working with DJ Palindrome for a long time. My songs are better choices than his." DJ Palindro …

Side Project's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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