Other Mixes By hallelujahlogic
MP3 Playlist
Theme - Romantic
Single Artist
Theme - Romantic
Mixed Genre
karaoke night at a dive bar in nashville
If anyone can think of anything I might have forgotten about, by all means, tell me! Think country or country-esque hits from the 50's to the 80's! I'm going to attempt to compile a 2nd volume of this (I totally left off Kenny Roger's "The Gambler", and didn't realise it until it was too late!), and any feedback would be appreciated!Feedback:
My favorite Friday night pastime. These look perfect. "Mama Tried" is a personal favorite...
This very setlist occurs at Karaoke night at a bowling alley in my town every Tuesday night. Inspired and nightmarish at the same time. Johnny Horton's "Battle of New Orleans" comes to mind.
for vol. 2:David Allan Coe's "You Never Even Called Me By My Name"
another one, not country but close Jimmy Buffett "Why Don't We Get Drunk
another one, not country but close Jimmy Buffett "Why Don't We Get Drunk