Other Mixes By gobi
Theme - Alternating DJ

Mixed Genre

Mixed Genre

Back on the Beach - Part 1
Phew, it's getting hot here . . . we've probably got another week or so when we can go to the beach at the weekends . . . and then it is hide indoors until the heat and the humidity calm down again in the autumn. Today it was 46 degrees and around 80 degrees humidity. Typical me being the laziest mixer in town, this was started last October when we were venturing back onto the beach after last summer. Just got around to finishing it last night and may even get to listen to it on the beach this weekend . . . . a collection of chilled, summer(ish) sounds to play while counting waves, making shell necklaces, eating ice-creams, drinking beer and hammock swinging.
Looks good to me and very suitable for its intended purpose.
Surfs Up!
Not my kind of music, but a great mix of stuff, and it def. has the feeling you were going for :)
Most delightful and not the least conventional. Love the theme
chill man chill
an interestng (and eclectic) mix, fer sure...
surf city, hear i come
Very nice!
nice variety of kick back tunes ... hammock swingin sounds like the call
Wonderful stuff, and certainly worth the wait. 7,11,14 & 19 in particular I'm loving.
Gorgeous, though personally, I'd bury Thom Yorke up to his neck in the sand & wait til' the tide came in. Love the closing trio.
Not as hot as where you are but it hit 32 with humidity feeling like its 37. I'm feelin' this mix.
Lots to like here.
this rules, man!
Good stuff for the beach. And yeah, work at your own pace and don't let them rush you.
How wonderfully decadent.
Looks cool. Let's hope it helps keep you cool!
This looks really, really good.
Really nice. Party!