The stars would shake and the moon would quake, whenever they espied me.

Artist Song
deadboy & the Elephantmen  Ancient Man 
Screamin' Jay Hawkins  I Put A Spell On You 
World/Inferno Friendship Society  One for the Witches! 
Big D and the Kids Table  Salem Girls 
Flogging Molly  Devil's Dance Floor 
Sour Mash Hug Band  Silver Trombones Sound the Night 
The Hellblinki Sextet  Dementish Waltz 
Firewater  Dark Days Indeed 
Jason Webley  Dance While the Sky Crashes Down 
Tom Waits  Rain Dogs 
Jolie Holland  Mad Tom Of Bedlam 
Luminescent Orchestrii  Moon Song 
Gogol Bordello  Start Wearing Purple 
Muzza Monroe & The Lushous Strings  Gypsy Wench 
HUMANWINE  Kalifornia 
Dresden Dolls  Gravity 
Rosin Coven  Alchemy 
Janet Klein and Her Parlor Boys  'Taint No Sin To Take Off Your Skin 
The Hungry March Band  Japanese Ju Ju 
Laika  Black Cat Bone 
Murder City Devils  Midnight At the Mutter Museum 


Title from Mad Tom Of Bedlam. I'm curious as to who can guess the theme. . .it's quite obvious, to me.
