Pop Kulcher

Member Since: 7/1/2002
Total Mixes: 376
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The Rock Snob's Dictionary: Rewards Repeated Listens

Artist Song
Wire  Three Girl Rhumba 
Velvet Underground  I Heard Her Call My Name 
Sonic Youth  Tom Violence 
The Fall  Prole Art Threat 
Mission of Burma  That's When I Reach For My Revolver 
Flaming Lips  Unconsciously Screamin' 
Swell Maps  Ripped & Torn 
Captain Beefheart  Ella Guru 
Jesus & Mary Chain  Never Understand 
Can  Mother Sky (edited) 
Guided By Voices  Hot Freaks 
Stooges  Real Cool Time 
Pylon  Beep 
Pixies  River Euphrates 
Pere Ubu  Street Waves 
My Bloody Valentine  Only Shallow 
New York Dolls  Looking For A Kiss 
Gang of Four  I Found That Essence Rare 
Dream Syndicate  Tell Me When It's Over 
Public Image Ltd.  Death Disco 
Lou Reed  Metal Machine Music (excerpt) 
Television  Marquee Moon 


Every fan of AOTM surely needs a copy of The Rock Snob's Dictionary (by David Kamp & Steven Daly), an essential compendium of key artists, genres, and terminology routinely invoked by all of us true rock snobs. For today's lesson, we're looking at "Rewards Repeated Listens", a phrase defined as follows:
Euphemistic phrase employed by rock critics to confer value upon a dubious musical work that, given the reputations involved, has to be better than it sounds. To the unschooled novitiate, Ice Cream for Crow may sound like self-indulgent and studiously demented tripe, but Beefheart's swan-song LP rewards repeated listens.

Or, to put it differently, here's a mix with all those essential, "challenging" critical favorites that, let's face it, most of us buy largely so our music collections look sufficiently cool & impressive, but, really, do we really listen to this stuff very often? C'mon, seriously, at the end of a long, hard day at the office, does a real rock snob come home and put on Captain Beefheart or Pere Ubu or Gang Of Four? Of course not. (As everyone knows, once we've ascertained that nobody is around, we reach for the Neil Diamond or Monkees cd's.)
Many thanks to fellow rock snob (meant in only the best way) Rob Conroy for helping bring me up to speed on the wonderful worlds of Swell Maps, Pere Ubu, and Can, all of whom have produced music which, while seemingly inpenetrable and occasionally annoying, rewards repeated listens.
image for mix


Date: 2/5/2007
Ha. So any positive comment on this mix would equal admitting to be being a music snob, right? Well, well - hard to deny anyway, I s'pose.
That said, I have always been a little confused how some bands (and not others) receive this reputation for being "difficult" - for example, there's no other band that all of my friends (few of whom can be considered snobbish in their music tastes by any stretch of the imagination) can agree on to the same extent as the VU. Admittedly, White Light/White Heat is not the album of theirs that I'm most likely to reach for when having friends over to play a board game, but still - all of their albums seem to work better in a context like this than pretty much anything else I own.
Anyway, yeah, cool mix!
Mark Petruccelli
Date: 2/5/2007
While 22 challenging listens in a row might be a bit much for me, I do like it when I finally connect with a "difficult" tune" (I'm still trying to get there with Trout Mask Replica nad Metal Machine Music.)
Little Spencer Boys
Date: 2/5/2007
So some I like, some I have trouble listening to -- but even stuff I ain't sure of, has value! Glad you did this!
Date: 2/5/2007
Well I'd listen to bands 6, 14, and 22 after a day at work... but more probably I'd put on some reggae =p Great mix.
Date: 2/5/2007
Brilliant idea, Pop old boy. Naturally, I love every track -- it's true dammit!Now, how about a single-artist mix of "Can Of Worms" -- admittedly they only made one album ("Open"), but hey, just re-arrange the track-list. It's worth considering on these cold winter nights.
Rob Conroy
Date: 2/5/2007
I genuinely love every single thing on this disc and it has absolutely zero to do with "coolness." You've actually done a great job at compiling a fair portion of my very favorite bands... oh, and you're welcome. ;-)
anthony lombardi
Date: 2/5/2007
this is pretty indespensible, & not because of any cool-factor or snob-factor either (well, that could account for a few tracks...kidding) there are plenty of tracks here that hit me on first listen, but alot that i'm still not too fond of, so i guess it's just different levels of accessibility for different people. great, great job though
Date: 2/5/2007
The snob in me likes it.
Date: 2/5/2007
This is extremely snobby.
the bohannons
Date: 2/5/2007
Sure, these bands were challenging and cool in like 1992 when Mimsie was fourteen, but c'mon, it's high time for these aging rock critic morons to expand their horizons beyond the same old same old & realize there's an entire universe of equally fantastic music from all different eras & continents & genres. The fixation on anglo-saxon men here is ridiculous.
Date: 2/6/2007
Ok, I'm a snob . . . . and I do like most of this. . . . but I seriously cannot be arsed with Metal Machine Music (my copy has never got a second play) . . . (and probably never will) . . . so I should probably just throw it away, I guess (can't bring myself to do that, however . . . . too much of a snob me . . . and besides, my collection wouldn't look cool and impressive then!)
Sean Lally
Date: 2/6/2007
Geez, given enough time and all of these bands have become practically mainstream. Snobby, schnobby - mostly just good stuff here.
French Connection
Date: 2/8/2007
An excerpt from Metal Machine Music is a damn good idea in my opinion but I've no problem whatsoever with the rest. Me I'm beyond snobbishness I just couldn't give a fuck now!
Date: 2/8/2007
ditto French - I certainly would listen to The Stooges...I can't see anything remotely cool 'bout owning My Bloody Valentine, I've never heard Metal Music... Machine...this is a damn good mix!
Wow, it's all the bands I've felt guilty for not buying all in one mix.
Date: 2/10/2007
Great idea, great mix. I kind of agree with Mimsie's comments... most of this isn't that challenging, at least not to yr average AOTMer, it's just downright great. Why *wouldn't* you put on 'Loveless' or 'Marquee Moon' after a hard day at the office (or school)?