Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 1
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Other Mixes By NCC

The Demonic Conquest of Earth

Artist Song
Squarepusher  Last Approach 
Chris Clark  Proper Lofi 
Aphex Twin  (SAWII, CD2, track 2) 
Edge Of Motion  Light Fields 
Monolake  Nucleus 
Autechre  Drane 
Speedy J  Amoco Cadiz 
Plastikman  Consumed 
Chris Clark  Shrewland 
Speedy J  Terre Zippy 


The soundtrack to a dark future where demons have escaped from hell and plundered humanity. From the offset, Squarepusher's bleak "Last Approach" signals an ominous warning - a single siren over depressed lands. And then the world's worst fears are realised with Chris Clark's twisted "Proper Lofi". Tortured demons shriek in evil agony and epic explosions detonate over dark and distant battlefields. Aphex Twin's untitled ambient work provides the only light of the entire mix, an eerie and cold morning after, as detached eyes wander of the chilling sight of a devastated humanity. Yes, there is daylight, but it is a cold and harsh reality it enlightens. But it is the final moments of light nonetheless, as "Light Fields" by Edge of Motion returns the world to darkness. Everything is calm, just a hint of disconsolate life remaining. A lone, confused voice appears to mutter "We won the war...oh..." and maybe humanity can live on.

But this last hope is shot down suddenly and cruelly with unexpected and shocking quickfire beats - demons storming back in for a decisive victory. Again you hear the voice, but it is a mere echo.

Monolake's "Nucleus" follows with the bleak and dark reality of a dead Earth possessed by tormented spirits, and the pain of this awful reality is heightened by the deep thud, gnashing teeth and rising tension of "Drane" by Autechre, as souls of the condemned seem to scream in a desperate unison. And then "Amoco Cadiz" by Speedy J. The triumph of the demons, as they thunder in glorious and furious victory over the wails of the tormented souls.

But then... what's this? It's still dark, very dark, but somewhere within the ruin and devastation across the land is a sense of determination. Oh, it's small and desperate, but there is hope - or at least the beginning of a possible hope. "Consumed" by Plastikman builds this hope up and there's a tangible excitement with the realisation that all is not yet over. The demons have not necessarily won.

But Chris Clark returns with devastating news in "Shrewland." The hope was pitiful. It was weak. And it took a mere blink of an eye for the demons to snuff out utterly, and contemptuously. There is taunting, and some weeping. And then...

...then, there is a shadow, somewhere within the minimilist darkness of Speedy J's "Terre Zippy". You look but you can't quite see what the shadow is. Is it just another demon, or is it a new hope - a real and genuine hope? Tension rises as the shadow draws nearer, a world waits in bated breath, tension continues to rise rapidly and unbearably until the shadow is right before you and you are that tiny fraction of a second from a conclusion - hope for the world or a very definite bleak conclusion.

The song ends abruptly. End of mix.


Date: 2/2/2007
I want it.