
Member Since: 2/19/2007
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 83

Other Mixes By highanddriving

CD | Jazz - Avant-Garde Jazz
CD | Single Artist
CD | Theme - Narrative

If It Was Airtight.

Artist Song
Deftones  Hexagram 
Circa Survive  Act Appalled 
Braid  Collect from Clark Kent 
Cursive  The Martyr 
Rites of Spring  For Want Of 
Secondsmile  Poets Unite In Hate (Their Gift For Love) 
City of Caterpillar  And You're Wondering How A Top Floor Could Replace Heaven 


I have been sitting on this one for a week or so now, thinking that it needed more tracks, or something. But in that time I have listened to it a lot. I decided it had all it needed and posted. But I feel about funny about it, as this is pretty much the most introverted mix I have made since my first. I am a little afraid of what people will think.

As another kind of note before the mix comment really starts: thankyou Tulett for introducing me to Braid and Cursive. I mean, sheesh. The hours that I have spent listening to those bands is just silly. Thanks also for giving me access to Cot. That CD is really hard to get! I was getting bored of the free MP3s from around the web.

Real Comment Section Here: This is a short one, coming in at only a little over half an hour. It was not really intended for this mix to be so short, it just panned out this way. You see, I gathered a fair number of songs, and as I refined the song selection, I ended up with fewer and fewer of the songs that were intended for the mix, as they didn't fit. This kept happening, until it was whittled down to eight tracks. These tracks are all rather rough, musically, and in some cases in production. I think this is the key to this mix for me as all these songs have been songs that I have listened two for extended periods of time. I must admit, that I have known some of these songs for years and others just weeks, but I have listened to them all for hours on end and come to find that there is something about the raw energy in these songs that I draw from and that I am drawn to. I don't know, they just needed to be together.31m.36s.
image for mix
