you take what they give you, and you keep it inside.

Artist Song
explosions in the sky  so long, lonesome 
deerhunter  cryptograms 
arcade fire  intervention 
papercuts  dear employee 
31 knots  everything in letters 
wilco  sky blue sky 
dolorean  just don't leave town 
kings of leon  on call 
eluvium  seeing you off the edges 
sea and cake  exact to me 
air  space maker 
menomena  weird 
antibalas  hilo 
dntel  natural response (featuring fog) 
amy millan  losin' you 
maserati  12 16 


60 minutes; for gabe. part two of a collection of some of my favourites from 2007 thus far (based on united states release dates).


Papercuts and Dolorean are great bands.
Date: 1/15/2008
awesome mix. I just used "so long, lonesome" as an opener. my choice is vindicated.