Living With War

Member Since: 4/3/2007
Total Mixes: 1
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By Living With War

The Protest Songs Project

Artist Song
NOFX  Idiot Son Of An Asshole 
Green Day  American Idiot 
Neil Young And Crazy Horse  Keep On Rockin' In The Free World 


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This is a project I thought of at work today since I found this site a few weeks ago. I want a list of all the protest songs on the war or anything else thats related to the subject you can think of and I will keep adding them here as you tell me. Then I will put it on a CD. I got the ball rolling so far with the first three. If you want to share you opinion about the war or anything else please feel free to. This is the spot for that! :)


Date: 4/4/2007
Hmm. I'm vaguely thinking of making a mix called "The War on War" combining pro- and anti-war songs. I'm anti-war myself, but I figured the conflict would make this mix more exciting. ... Are you looking for songs protesting this war in particular, or also other wars or war in general? For the Iraq war in particular, maybe the best song I've heard in response is Robert Wyatt's "Lullaby for Hamza" from his 2003 album, Cuckooland. Tom Waits's "Day After Tomorrow" is one you might hear a lot about, though it's not really specific to the current war even though it was written in response to it. ... Is "Rockin' In The Free World" really a war protest song? I'm surprised you didn't pick something from Neil Young's latest album instead, I mean, at least considering your username and all....
Date: 4/5/2007
Edwin Starr's version of War is a classic. Great theme. Barry McGuire's Eve of Destruction, Marvin Gayes' Whats Going On, Bob Dylan's Hard Rain, Peter, Paul and Mary's If I Had A Hammer and Woody Guthrie's This Land Is Your Land are all classic protest songs that may or may not fit into your intent. As abangaku pointed out Neil Young's latest has Let's Impeach the President and others that may fit. Peace....
Date: 4/5/2007
Two solidly seething songs about BushCo from The River In Reverse by Elvis Costello and Allen Toussaint: "Broken Promise Land" ("In the name of the father and the son, in the name of gasoline and a gun...") and "The River In Reverse"("Count your blessings when they ask permission to govern with money and superstition, they tell you it's all for your own protection 'til you fear your own reflection").
Date: 4/6/2007
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists have a number of good ones, particularly "Bomb Repeat Bomb", "Shake the Sheets", and "The One Who Got Us Out". Pearl Jam has the mediocre but unobtuse "Bu$hleaguer" and the preferable "Insignificance". I'm in favor of the war myself - in theory, at least - but I'm not the type to look down on its critics. Good luck!