Other Mixes By Dj Bootleg
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
My Life in Music Part 1 (1978-1993)
I'm not going to bore you with the entire story of my life, but I've tried to select songs that that through out my life have changed the way I listen to music. There are certain songs that you hear for the first time and your your musical tastes are permantly altered. I will give you one story, Leroy Brown is one of the first songs that I can remember hearing. My Dad would play it during dinner, and jump up to turn it in down everytime the word damn was about to be said. I was born in '78 so my musicial memory don't really start until around '86 or '87. This is part one, of what I will make a two part series (I had actually written down well-over a hundred songs). I hope you enjoy it as much and I enjoy thinking about how music has changed my life.Visit me: http://wearduringorangealert.blogspot.com/
artwork by Daniel Fleres (http://www.myspace.com/danielfleres)
Sorry, The Violent Femmes track cuts off.
And Happy Easter!
Sorry, The Violent Femmes track cuts off.
And Happy Easter!
I've been thinking of doing something very similar. Good work!! Some good cuts here :D
An interesting insight, and a noble project ... Kudos (Leroy Brown had some impact on me too.)
this is evidently everyone at my work's life in music as well. for we were all arm-in-arm as we went skipping down memory lane today. I remember my Grandma Bea making us turn off MTV when "Billie Jean" came on, because it was "Satan's music." of course we didn't find out until years later that she was right!