Other Mixes By missingno.
Theme - Romantic
Mixed Genre
Theme - Alternating DJ
Sleeping Breather, Writing Letters
In progress, sort of. This is disc one, disc two coming soon. Intended to be on CD for a friend of mine who dug the last mix I made her, but my other friend liked where it was going and wanted a version on tape.So this made me rethink the structure and length of the mix. There were originally a few more songs than this, but I cut them due to time restrictions."Side" (disc) 2, like I said, is on its way.The girl in question is quite a big metal fan, but wanted me to ease her into some other stuff, hence starting with the Coheed track (no matter what you say about them, I will always be a fan). They Might Be Giants introduces a funner, dancy theme, but still has the punchy beat of the previous track. This continues into Golden Skans, whereafter the mix takes a more solemn turn.Despite her metal tendencies I assume she can still appreciate traditionally beautiful things, so thats where track 5 and 6 come in. If she DOES become bored, however, the slowly building momentum of The Cure track should snap her out of that pretty quickly. I really like the way I mixed together the fuzz from the end of The Kiss with the fuzz from the beginning of the Mars Volta excerpt.Not much planned for the next disc, other than it will begin with Bron Yr Aur by Led Zeppelin.Length - 37:39
This has a beautiful flow to it. And, I can't get enough of a mix with both The Cure and They Might Be Giants on it!
A Lesson Is Learned. Fabulous.
I think mix two should have some midi based rap on it. Just a thought. Maybe an acoustic track about starwars and pokemon? Just do it.