Other Mixes By Curtis_Burns
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Every Shining Sigh
With apologies to GambleOn and his excellent mix Atavism.Feedback:
Can't wait to give a listen.
King Harvest! Hey la.
. . . and every sighing shine probably . . . will have to give this a listen . . . thanks for sharing . . .
I think I know nothing here, interesting
Only know 11 but will have to correct things now.
This looks fantastic. I can't wait to give this a listen. And you're right, GambleOn's mix is tremendous.
Looks stellar, Mr. Burns. What I know on this (about 1/3) is fucking killer and the JOMF song is one of my favorites from that outfit.
Oh my...and click...click...ahhhhhhhhh!!!!
Mighty fine.
Looks superb, Curtis. Love the Arve Henriksen & Stars of the Lid picks (both recent purchases & lined up for mixing in Muzag land). Much agreement on Atavism. Can't wait to give this a spin.
Oh yes! This is great.
another great one, Curtis. really like the song that starts at around 16 mins.