Other Mixes By Curtis_Burns
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Includes two discoveries from the recently completed, and splendid, Merlefest in North Carolina. Oh, uhm, Frank Newsome and Sankofa Strings are the discoveries. Cheers.Feedback:
Oh my, two neighbouring mixes on the "recent submissions" page featuring tracks by Bardo Pond! Looks great from what I can tell, plenty of stuff I'm looking forward to check out.
Your discoveries become our discoveries. Thank you.
Nice looking piece of mix-werk, here, Curtis.
????? respectfully
I bet this is great - at the moment, I don't have the first clue, however . . . I'm looking forward to listening . . . .
This whole thing is a discovery -thanks!
Exceptional. I adore the track that kicks in at 17.30 mins, not sure which one it is mind! Also love the track that kicks in on 48 mins. I was totally lost in this mix. When the wonderful Wyatt closed the mix I didn't want to come back...
Yowza. I can't wait to hear this, as it looks fantastic.
Like that final pairing. Really though, isn't Robin Williamson the last person you'd expect to be on ECM?
looks strange and thrilling
Another page full of undiscvereds for me, thanks for the link.
Much to discover (& uncover) here.
ditto mark -- lots to check into here
It was a perfect breezy May day in LA, and your music just grooved with it. Thanks, CB.
Oh my, what a way to open. Not familiar with the rest but anything that starts with Lovesliescrushing deserves checking out.
Awesome mix, Curtis. I've been listening a lot to that new Islaja record. Nice selection for it. Great closer as well.
typically thrilling and inspiring. agree with Salman1 on the closer, and liked that pair at 11 & 12 a lot too.