Other Mixes By Curtis_Burns
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Slipped by Untouched
Looking good. How do you like the new Bj÷rk album?
Only The Grails failed to slip by me, looks interesting though.
I discovered KTL just yesterday - interesting . . .
My mind's not made up on the latest Bj÷rk, but was more than touched by the rest of this. Love that Grails groove.
wicked and weird
There's a band called Cardboard Amanda and I didn't know it? Not sure how I could have let that happen! I love your opening two and the KTL, unfamiliar with much of the rest, so I'm looking forward to giving this a listen.
I'm not the worlds biggest "drone" fan but it always grabs me in the context of your mixes. A terrific listen Curtis.
Jeez I'm so inadequate! Forgive me Curtis for being so ignorant!
Yowza. Talk about abstract... nice work, if "nice" is the correct word for this fine piece.
Very in-teh-resk-ing!
Hooray for the Grails ( thanks to V for their album ). And yes, after a couple of listens I reckon Bjork's Volta is her best since 'Debut' all those years ago. The rest? Well before listening i avanna clue
Unknown to me, oh yes. Never mind though - I shall know shortly
Outstanding mix. Especially digging that 6-8 stretch.
cloudy morning in Seattle: I dug through my downloaded archives for the right mix to start the day. this was perfect. great stuff, Curtis. can't believe it slipped by untouched when I first grabbed it in May.