Other Mixes By Curtis_Burns
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MP3 Playlist
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MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
I Can't Shake It This Time
love what i know on here so i'm excited to listen to what i haven't heard.
cool stuff - t. rex, arcade fire & wilco tracks stand out for me
Cool! Does this mix come with an on and off switch? Looks like you're tuned into some new stuff. Is #20 a JAMC cover?
Somebody's stole your ID! I say that because pre-listen I know about 50% here. Surely a record for me re: one of your mixes. Love lots here, specially the Hanne Hukkelberg...
This looks teriffic! I love the Stereolab, Battles, Boris, and Faraquet tracks. And I'm surprised to see Upsilon Acrux!! Not because of any notions I have about your musical taste/collection (which I think is awesome and very broad!), but because that's my friends' band and my band plays with them sometimes. I never thought I'd see them on here. Small world... or something. haha
Downloading as I write, merci beaucoup Curtis, recognising much (A rare occasion for me with your mixes)and can't wait to hear the rest.
Looks great!
Very nice listen.
Thanks for the warm welcome, by the way. I appreciate it and I look forward to sharing many mixes on this site
I suspect that my wife would like this too . . .
This is frickin' brillliant, Curtis.
interesting stuff, a lot of personal favs here mixed up with unheard gems
Always (!) in good taste to lead off with the Clean! Also, the new Dungen & Wilco.., (though the Wilco seems to be dividing their fans.) Why stop shakin' it..?
Community standards Valis, community standards. Wilco goes for old fashioned musicianship and songcraft on the new one; no better or worse than the experimental sheen of the last two swings, just different. If for no other reason, get it for the presence of Nels Cline, a guitarist to be reckoned with in any context.
Some great stuff here, Snare, Girl is a fav of mine...
See...this I need to hear, right now. And, that Kemialliset YstSvSt is getting some nice play around these parts. Proof positive of AoTM expansive tastes.
With ya on Nels Curtis but in my opinion he stymied Tweedy with his overdone solos on this record. In the interests of disclosure when it comes to it I'm on the Farrar side of the fence, but have enjoyed plenty of Wilco releases along the way. Anyhoo... The Mix?
After dividing up the tracks I am exactly 50/50 on knowns and soon to be knowns, but for The Twilight Sad, Hukkelberg and Baird I salute you.
After dividing up the tracks I am exactly 50/50 on knowns and soon to be knowns, but for The Twilight Sad, Hukkelberg and Baird I salute you.
Hmmmm.... I know seven, which is a record for me on a Curtis journey.
really great stuff here, and I like that it sounds quite a bit different than what I've come to expect from a Curtis_Burns mix. The Clean, T. Rex and Kemialliset YstSvSt are really super, but that Guitar cover of "Just Like Honey" may be my favorite.