Other Mixes By Curtis_Burns
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Rites and Ceremonies
"Lent" and "douloureux" are not usually my favorite styles, but here I see the wisdom. You have been exploring fearlessly, Mr. Burns.
Have "merci"...on us!
don't know much here but i will soon
Looks bloody interesting. I'll listen to this soon for sure.
Wow, just wow.
What? No Maroon 5? Just the same-old mainstream Frantois Houle & Margaret Leng Tan Top 40 stuff. Yeesh!!!Love the utilization of the edits and the use of two Cage/Tudor works. Very cool. Enlightening, Educational (for me) and Entertaining.
I've got to investigate this, thanks for the link Curtis.
Curtis, this is beautiful. What else can I say? Wonderful.
excellent, Curtis. funny: my colleagues were rolling their eyes because I put my "Jesus" mix on just after we got to work. for my next turn at the music, I put this on - and was pleased to hear Satanic voices included [STbastien Lespinasse?] guess it's only fair that I give the forces of good and evil equal opportunity.
also, the track 1->2 transition and inclusion of the John Cage bits are especially nice.
hee hee . . . . like MusicGnome says . . .
This looks awesome... thanks for the link.
This is edu-tainment!
I know nothing, but I suspect it's great. Thankfully, there's a link posted so I can find out...