
Member Since: 10/26/2005
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 5

Other Mixes By iheartdead

CD | Theme
CD | Theme
CD | Theme
CD | Theme

MidSummers Night

Artist Song
Arctic Monkeys  Do Me a Favour 
Young Galaxy  The Alchemy Between Us 
Blonde Redhead  SW 
At the Drive In  Star Slight 
Camera Obscura  Something 
Vitesse  When Nothings Changed 
Matt Pond PA  East Coast E 
Marianne Faithfull  Sha La La Song 
Wolf Parade  Fancy Claps 
Bear vs Shark  5 6 Kids 
William Elliott Whitmore  Midnight 
Nouvelle Vague   the Killing Moon 
David Bowie  Starman 
Snowden  Black Eyes 
My Bloody Valentine  Slow 
Planes Mistaken for Stars  Hollowpoint and Whiskey  
Jesu  Conqueror 


Theme is Super Loose, Mythical-Fantasy Forest on a Summer Night.
image for mix


Mike Eternity
Date: 6/4/2007
Heh, I dig the scene you've set in words, although I can't really picture these songs describing it or a midsummer's night. But then, I can be narrow-minded at times. Maybe if you could write us out a treatment...Music is strong either way (yay...pretty much all the bands) and I do love your idea
Date: 6/5/2007
im very flexible with my themes, the song titles/band name/ or lyrics themselves can qualify. some band names are animals, (forests) some titles are night themed, and lyrics randomly mention forests, trees, or specifically summer-- like matt pond PA, the songs setting is July and sings "what a great summer night". Snowden mentions a glow of a street light, which makes me think of summer nights... novelle vague's background sound through out the song is birds and crickets...

i dont like to make my cds SO obvious.