you know i'll always love you (but right now i just don't like you)

Artist Song
the sounds  hurt you 
juliana theory  if i told you this was killing me, would you stop? 
the get up kids  forgive and forget 
loquat  take it back 
the format  a mess to be made 
the good life  lovers need lawyers 
feist  so sorry 
her space holiday  a matter of trust 
john mayer  my stupid mouth 
the murmurs  you suck 
jonah's onelinedrawing  why are we fighting? 
morrissey  i like you 
denali  time away 
relient k  which to bury, us or the hatchet 
jimmy eat world  drugs or me 


60 minutes; for stephen. i love him to death but sometimes he makes me so mad. this past weekend has been a lesson in patience and compromise, and these songs help me sort out my thoughts and feelings.
