
Member Since: 10/12/2006
Total Mixes: 58
Total Feedback: 19

Other Mixes By jackie_onassinator

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Road Trip
CD | Theme - Break Up

Gimme Gimme Big Surprise

Artist Song
Daniel Johnston w/ Jad Fair  McDonalds on the Brain 
Beastie Boys  Shake Your Rump 
M.I.A.  Fire Fire 
Deerhoof  Sunnyside 
Sophia Lamar w/ Phiiliip  Let's Call the Whole Thing Off 
Liam Lynch  My United States Of Whatever 
Porsches on the Autobahn  Dance Americans 
The B-52's  6060-842 
The Blow  Hey Boy 
Boogdish  I Kissed a Girl (Jill Sobule cover) 
Matt & Kim  Blazing Dynamite 
Atom & His Package  Waiting Room (Fugazi cover) 
Sick Lipstick  Get Up! Catch Up! 
The Unicorns  Ghost Mountain 
Stereo Total  Automatic Music 
Le Tigre  Mediocrity Rules 
LiLiPUT  Hitch-Hike 
The Thermals  A Passing Feeling 
Abe Froman  Walking Distance 
The Ramones  Cretin Hop 
The Clash  White Riot 
This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb  Mouseteeth 
The Dead Milkmen  Part 3 
Iggy Pop  Lust for Life 
Crass  Punk is Dead 
Dibs  Rocky 
The Arcade Fire  Keep the Car Running 
The Beatles  We Can Work It Out 
Japanther  Mornings 
Daniel Johnston w/ Jad Fair  Ostrich 


for Brianna, my sister, on her 17th birthday. It's all pretty much pure silliness. Title track: "Sunnyside"
image for mix


Mike Eternity
Date: 7/18/2007
I like the shifts in music styles, and needless to say, great Beatles, Ramones, Clash, and Iggy choices
Date: 7/20/2007
I'm throwing this out in your mix's feedback section for no special reason but this is something that's struck me as I've looked over many AOTM mixes lately... is this a mix truly burned to CD? For me, part of the challenge of mix-making is coming up with cuts that work together and making them fit: both in sequence and to the defined length of the medium. Don't most CDs have a maximum of 80 minutes or so? To fit the 30 songs on your list would be impossible (assuming most are longer than 2 1/2 minutes). Perhaps everyone feels anything goes and just combines cuts they'd want to hear together without the limit of any time constraint.
Date: 7/22/2007
at 71 minutes, this most definitely fits on one cd. i've made mixes with 32 tracks and room to spare. you're right: a lot of these songs don't make the two minute mark. but they're still great tracks (i like them anyway). punk rock is a swift boot to the brain.