do your war dance

Member Since: 6/7/2005
Total Mixes: 27
Total Feedback: 59

Other Mixes By do your war dance

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Romantic

a brand new blade

Artist Song
angels of light  my true body 
kiss the anus of a black cat  the cranes are scared of sunwords 
two gallants  fail hard to regain 
gun club  like calling up thunder 
rykarda parasol  en route 
wolfgang dorniger feat. david eugene edwards  synchronized minds 
munly and the lee lewis harlots  big black bull come like a caesar 
the psalters  dumpster diving 
the marshall family  children go where i send thee 
the sadies  higher power 
the birthday party  several sins 
!tchkung!  smash things up 
diamanda galas  let my people go 
hank williams  weary blues from waitin' 
neko case  the virginian 


for a fellow 16hp fan on title from the munly track.


Funky Ratchet
Date: 8/28/2007
From the looks of what I know here (Neko, Birthday Party, Hank, Gun Club), the rest looks very intriguing as well.
Date: 8/28/2007
Don't know much here,... however 'Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat' is probably the most cool band name I've ever heard of! :-D