
Member Since: 12/26/2005
Total Mixes: 15
Total Feedback: 19

Other Mixes By ShotgunDJ

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Cassette | Alternative - Punk

My Nerdy Summer

Artist Song
Less Than Jake  Soundtrack of my life 
Bratmobile  Cool shmool 
MC Chris  I want candy 
The Faint  Glass danse 
Against Me!  New wave 
Heavens  Dead end girl 
Marilyn Manson  This is the new shit 
Ozma  Flight of the bootymaster 
Zombina and the Skeletones  Staci stasis 
MC Chris  Cookie breath (clean) 
Scarling.  Wave of mutilation (Pixies cover) 
AFI  Head like a hole (NIN cover) 
Amanda Palmer  Ampersand 
Hellogoodbye  I saw it on your keyboard 
Dashboard Confessional  Age six racer 
Fall Out Boy  The music or the misery 
MC Router  Routerlicious 
Le Tigre  Deceptacon 


My first ever themed mix...Yay! Well, to put it simply this mix is titled "My Nerdy Summer" for the reason that I am a nerd and I spent my summer vacation nerding out : ) Two friends and I decided to make the mixes about our summers and exchange them. I recieved Sabi's yesterday. I will pass out mine today and wait for Smitty's mix. The end...(?)
image for mix


brooke shazam
Date: 9/7/2007
bratmobile bratmobile bratmobile bratmobile bratmobile bratmobile bratmobile bratmobile bratmobile bratmobile