Other Mixes By Muzag
Theme - Alternating DJ
Theme - Alternating DJ
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre

Mixed Genre

a narrow path
A g.a.b.l@bs & Muzag "alternating" DJ mixBack when Gene was releasing his slipstream project we got into conversation and he suggested we do an alt-dj mix in the ambient-ish genre. Here is the result. For those that like to guess, the tracks don't strictly alternate but I'm sure you can guess the source of at least some of them :) [Full details are supplied with the mix]. Artwork by g.a.b.l@bs, mixing by Muzag.
This proved such a pleasant experience that we are now working on a follow up mix.
Wow ! This pretty monumental. Fantastic get together for you guys.
Looking forward to this one, and volume 2
Mont St Michel abbey bells eh, only an hour away from me (hate the bloody place, it's always full o' tourists)I know nowt here save for the excellent Dub Syndicate.
Oh yes, I can sympathise with you on the Mont St Michel front. I was lucky enough to be able to plan my visit so that I arrived in the evening when most people were gone or at least leaving (and even then it was pretty horrendous). We spent the night there and visited the abbey at around 11pm which is definitely the best (less people/more atmosphere) time to see it.
This was a lot of fun, mainly because we kept the entire process very fluid: no rules, deadlines or genre structure (well, ahem...almost on the genre thing ;-]). Tunes were bounced back & forth between our respective coastlines and, quite frequently, we had converging ideas re: composition/construction. All in all a "nifty" time...with part 2 on the drawing/mixing board as we speak...
PS: the high pitched shrieking noises mid-mix are, as yet, an unexplained phenomenon...but perhaps Gary can shed some light... :-0
PS: the high pitched shrieking noises mid-mix are, as yet, an unexplained phenomenon...but perhaps Gary can shed some light... :-0
How come my prayers are never answered so quickly? Sorry I am a tourist hear but you two are mixxer wonders....
I can't wait to give this a spin. I'm always intrigued and amazed by your field recordings. Sprinkly in the texture from g.a.b. l@bs and I'm sure this a scortcher of a mix.
Looks very intriguing! Well done, lads.
Always good to see your name on a mix, muzag.
i have to admit i'm clueless to most of this, but i'm very intrigued to say the very least
Know only the Easy Star and Dub Syndicate but have always had good experiences with the esteemed sources.
A match made in heaven. Don't recognize much here, but I do recognize a great cover when I see one.
My download didn't quite come through : (
This does look sublime however.
This does look sublime however.
Sorry about that, Luke (though I don't know where in the system the glitch exists). If anyone else is having trouble with the link, try this one.
what Moe said
A beautiful listen - I quite often lost myself in this. Not sure which song was playing from one minute to the next, a testemant to the great mixing & flow that'll be - but remember loving 21mins-30 and the track at 45 mins. And the closing 8 minutes was lovely. Damn it, it was all great..
Thanks, Sammy - and everyone else ;). The 21-20min stretch would be Vangelis/Pausal, 45min would be Endlos. There are links above to the Pausal & Endlos source albums (MP-free's both, and both contributed by g.a.b. l@bs). The closing 8 mins would be from Klaus Schultze onward (contributions from me - the Vangelis & Schultze tracks are a throw back to earlier Mood mixes that incorporated loathed synthesists).
I've updated the original download
link, it should work okay again now.
I've updated the original download
link, it should work okay again now.
sorry I didn't get my comments on this one before it slipped off the charts, but I was away from my computer, paying a late-night visit to Mont St. Michel Abbey to thank God for such a swift answering of prayers. it's lovely, guys, and was perfect for a morning listen today. very pleased to see Muzag back on the list, and looking forward to the follow-up, most surely.
sounds heardin adreamthanks for the download!