Hang The DJ

Member Since: 5/22/2007
Total Mixes: 25
Total Feedback: 24

To Joey From Santa (Satan?)

Artist Song
Bob Dylan  Highway 61 Revisited 
Johnny Cash  Folsom Prison Blues [live] 
Muse  Feeling Good 
Smashing Pumpkins  Perfect 
AFI  A Winter's Tale 
Pavement  Hit the Plane Down 
Barenaked Ladies  The Old Apartment 
Scissor Sisters  Comfortably Numb 
Stephen Malkmus and the Million Dollar Bashers  Ballad of a Thin Man 
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble  Texas Flood 
AFI  Carcinogen Crush 
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club  Love Burns 
Daft Punk  Fresh 
The Mars Volta  Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of) 
The Nerve Agents  Jekyl and Hyde 
Nirvana  In Bloom 
Black Sabbath  War Pigs 
Mot÷rhead  Ace of Spades 


I threw this together in half an hour for my friend Joey. I rushed to get it all done so that when I saw him that night, I could give it to him...and he ended up not even coming! Oh well, it was a hasty mix anyway.
So, the same as with my last mix for him, To Frost King From Satan, I put together a bunch of music I thought he'd like with a few old favorites sprinkled about to keep his interest. And while the Scissor Sisters' take on "Comfortably Numb" may not be my first choice of their songs to show to someone, I used it because I thought it would ease him into their sound more gently.
And although as a general rule I don't put more than one song per artist on a mix, I've made concessions in the past for AFI. This mix is no different, because not only do I appreciate their music very much, so does Joey.
Actually, this mix breaks a few of my "rules"...but it's good to flex a little, right? The main goal for this wasn't to make a perfectly balanced mix, it was to introduce a friend to new music. So hopefully he'll be open-minded about it!


Date: 12/11/2007
I likeeverything on here I know, and I happen to love that Scissor Sisters' cover. I'm not a fan of the original, y'see, but shhhhh-it's a secret.
Date: 12/11/2007
Almost forgot - "In Bloom" is in my top five Nirvana songs. awesome mix all 'round.
DJ Karen Adams
Date: 12/12/2007
War Pigs!!!
Date: 12/12/2007
Love Burns!!!