Other Mixes By Orchid
Theme - Road Trip
Theme - Road Trip

Mixed Genre

Olum Tehlikesi
They're all over the city, the signs warning foreign tourists about the dangers of searching for vinyl in Istanbul... exhaustion, dehydration, and even death may ensue. I was one of the lucky ones, narrowly escaping with a collection of turkish delights after days of frustration, dizzy from countless attempts to perform a spinning record mime in front of perplexed Istanbullus... Read the full story, download the mix and view the all the picture sleeves right here.Happy holidays to all!
Fascinating set of album covers on your blog.
Happy holidays to you.
Mmmm! Tasty! That Sans Cocugu by Cem and Apaslar (Apsalar?) still haunts as a wild ride thru' the Turkmen's mind. Hail Edip, too! Ever onward o' mighty Traveler!
Oh my, this is, well, fucking brilliant!
You know I love that cover and I'm sure you probably know that I'll seriously love the mix when I download it/listen to it.Happy holidays to you, Ms. Orchid. And yes, I owe you an e-mail....
Thanks for the warning about shopping for records in Istanbul (Not Constantinople). But why even go when I have all the music I can handle right here? Looks like some pretty interesting stuff, and if you would have accidentally reversed the artist and song names, I never would have noticed!
Now, the fact that I managed to download this on my humble PC filled me with much joy. I shall enjoy this Christmas Turkey, thankyou...
Happy Holidays Family Orchid
Happy Holidays Family Orchid
I discovered these Turkish sounds just this year. Looking forward to expanding my mind once more thanks to you.
dunno a thing here but i'm excited to get acquainted - thanks for the link!
You never fail to educate. Pre-listen, I have very little of an idea about what to expect from this one musically, but I have a hunch that it's going to be great.
Wow is all I can say 'cause that's all I say when I don't know nothin'. Wow. (Scurries off in search of enlightenment.)
I'm sure this is great, as always. Happy holidays!
I, literally, reacted with "OOOOOHHHH!!!!!" when I say you'd posted a new mix. Ahh, this holidays deliver the delights, once more. And, I LOVE this!!!!!!!! !!!!
And, your photos are absolutely stunning. If you would be willing, I'd love to know how you captured those images (camera, settings, lens...?) Simply stunning.
I bet there isn't a turkey here. Must investigate.
Marvellous stuff - LOVE 'Hadi Canim Sen De' - how catchy! what marvellous pings and pongs!
Anyhoo, a very happy Xmas season to you.
Anyhoo, a very happy Xmas season to you.
Wonderful goldmine, Orchid. Happy Holidays and thanks for sharing!
I'm not a certified scuba-diver, yet I feel as if I've just discovered a sunken treasure! [not that your mix sounds sunken or anything.] Orchid, this is amazing, and a wonderful x-mas gift to all, and to all a good night. Cem Karaca & Apaslar sure is groovy, and the Riza Pekkutsal made me laugh my ass off [well, I assume that's what happened. when the track ended, I noticed my ass was gone]. the Kuzenler song is real pretty. Other favorites are at #s 4,22,15,10,8,6,7,2,13,19, 20... though I think my favorite is the Salim Dundar classic, "Canim Sevgililm." [my mother used to sing that to me as she rocked me to sleep.] I loved looking over the album covers as each of the tracks played; It looks like Kuzenler is about to perform on The Gong Show! lots of work went into making this and all the album art available for us to hear and see; I sure do appreciate it. Happy Holidays!
This is a superb piece of work, and a great story of discovery. Some stunning, if occassionally scary, album covers too.Thanks so much for this; music that I would've never been aware of, let alone heard, had it not been for your dedication :)