
Member Since: 2/27/2007
Total Mixes: 55
Total Feedback: 9

Other Mixes By mrpretzel_

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Pop

♘ The RTti Opening ♙ (Chess Mix #1)

Artist Song
Kings of Convenience  "Misread" (3:08) 
   The Innocence Mission  "You Are the Light" (2:57) 
Kings of Convenience  "Stay out of Trouble" (5:04) 
   The Innocence Mission  "Moon River" (2:48) 
Kings of Convenience  "Cayman Islands" (3:03) 
   The Innocence Mission  "Bright as Yellow" (3:33) 
Kings of Convenience  "I'd Rather Dance with You" (3:29) 
   The Innocence Mission  "Sorry and Glad Together" (3:27) 
Kings of Convenience  "Gold in the Air of Summer" (3:33) 
   The Innocence Mission  "The Lakes of Canada" (4:34) 
Kings of Convenience  "Homesick" (3:13) 
   The Innocence Mission  "Spinning" (3:16) 
Kings of Convenience  "Winning a Battle, Losing the War" (3:54) 


Kings of Convenience (W) vs. The Innocence Mission (B)  This, from a while ago, is my first chess mix, so called for the alternation between two artists or styles. The name is possibly maybe to blame for the lack of response on the last one I posted, but they are not actually about chess, you guys.  It's more of two 'best of's interleaved than something with all that strong of a flow, but I can forgive it because "Homesick" and "Lakes of Canada" are two of my very favorite songs, and just those two repeated ten or twelve times on a CD would be an all right mix by me.


Date: 1/6/2008
Cool idea. Look at a related concept from tornadoZ.

And oh yeah, the
infamous "lack of response" situation.
Date: 1/6/2008
Thanks for two artists I have never heard of, looks great.
Date: 1/6/2008
man, this looks really cool! i know kings of convenience a lot better, even though i've known about innocence mission for longer. i think that innocence mission does tend to be much more hit-or-miss than the kings do... that said, i'm a big fan of "lakes of canada" and several other tunes that aren't on here (i can't remember their names, unfortunately!).