Other Mixes By katemonster
MP3 Playlist
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MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
When I Was Young and Stupid
Friends,you know and I know it. Although we may all posture alongside our indier-than-though musical repetoire, there was a time when you were far from cool. When you were spangled with cherry red acne and had an insulated lunchbox-and-thermos set. When you had (gasp!) questionable taste in music.In no particular order, a collection of songs I was into when I was thirteen. Some I still listen to and love, others I am more than a little embarassed to have wasted my time on (Green Day, anyone?) Still, don't you dare pretend you can't relate. No one esapes adolescence without something to be ashamed of.
Mix Disclaimer: So far, I've recieved feedback that my sometimes less-than-sophisticated musical origins are nothing to blush over. In that case, I suppose I should clarify: I agree. This playlist is less a statement of "Look what a dork I used to be" and more of an homage to my younger self, both the good and the bad. Certainly many, if not most of these songs are quite dear to me, and some (Saline the Salt Lake Queen, Girl Anachronism) were "gateway songs", if you will, to shaping who I would become musically in the coming years.
"No one escapes adolescence without something to be ashamed of." ... that is undeniably true, but liking any of these picks is not reason enough. Music that speaks to you is timeless. For the record I wallow in my questionable taste in music like pig in mud.
Well, I guess I'm a little older than you, since my guilty 'young and stupid' songs come from the early-to-mid 90s... but, hey, "Mass Destruction" remains one of my favorite songs of all time, and I still listen to it often.
I've still got the acne but it's now a dull mustard colour. My youth was long before yours and maybe I'm entering my second childhood but I like They Might Be Giants.
White Stripes and TMBG are still okay in my book, but I had my "young and stupid" (as Gabe put it) days as well...does Def Leppard trump Green Day?
Wear your musical roots on your sleeve, I say. I still proudly listen to Styx....
Ah, I have been anti-indie for so long (see my comment here) that I have to train myself to even give "new" (i.e. post 1980 groups) a listen. Nothing at all wrong with White Stripes, quite the contrary. Dig deeper into what they are looking at.
I like a lot of these songs.