Other Mixes By tornadoZ
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Gangster G
Side A | ||
Artist | Song | |
Sukpatch | Stuck On Me | |
Franzl Lang | Tiroler Bravourjodler | |
Julien Clerc | Melissa | |
Any Trouble | Second Choice | |
Pete Shelley | I Don't Know What It Is | |
Benoet Pioulard | Triggering Back | |
The Cribs | Girls Like Mystery | |
Ippu-Do | Radio Fantasy | |
Aneka | Japanese Boy | |
Marco Antonio Mu±iz | Negra Paloma | |
Wyn & Andrea | Der Nachbar | |
The Canadian Sweethearts | Half-Breed | |
Nobody & Mystic Chords of Memory | The Seed | |
Movieland | Postcard to New York | |
The Dooleys | Think I'm Gonna' Fall In Love With You | |
Side B | ||
Artist | Song | Buy |
Rolf Harris | Living It Up | |
Tommy Gumina | Giovanette Balamo [Dance Youngsters] | |
Throwing Muses | Not Too Soon | |
STbastien Lafleur | Beurre | |
Harry Breuer & His Quintet | Flapperette | |
Dalida | Pour Te Dire Je T'aime | |
The Belle Stars | The Clapping Song | |
Al Corley | Square Rooms | |
New Order | Everything's Gone Green | |
P:ano | Foot Hills | |
Shirley Ellis | The Nitty Gritty | |
Danyel Gerard | From Japan to America | |
Jean-Jacques Burnel | Freddie Laker [Concorde and Eurobus] | |
Gruppo Sportivo | Rubber Gun | |
Christophe | Aline | |
here's one for my fellow Gangster sammyg123; a collection of catchy tunes I thought he (and other people too, hopefully) would enjoy. if AotM was a high school, I'd nominate sammyg for Homecoming King! listen to sideone.
listen to side
Hmm...Pete Shelley, the Belle Stars, New Order, Throwing Muses, aaaand a bunch of stuff that's new to me. From the context and description, I'm looking forward to the education...
Wo these Gs are CRAZY!
i second your nomination! true class
AOTM is a high school. Sammy is the homecoming king.
Thirded or something.. I wager this is the biz, the kinda biz that only you tykes know howda do Oh yesss
dig this a lot
This looks like a great batch of fun. No "Name Game"? ;-)
Looks Spectac-ula! That Rolf Harris track always puts a smile on my face. =)
If Sammy's homecoming king, then hopefully we're all members of his court. I'm sure the G-man will appreciate this, and once I get it downloaded, I'm sure I'll appreciate it too. All hail Sammy!
G-Whizz, this is fab. Thank you Alex. Homecoming King? Do I get to choose my Queen?
Had a listen to this last night and luv luv luvved it. The Franzl Lang was Yodel-tastic. The Lafleur was great. Damn it it was all right up my street. More Rolf & Dooleys on AotM!
Cheers again Gangster T...
Had a listen to this last night and luv luv luvved it. The Franzl Lang was Yodel-tastic. The Lafleur was great. Damn it it was all right up my street. More Rolf & Dooleys on AotM!
Cheers again Gangster T...
....and how coul I not mention that terrific version of 'I Just Called'? Brilliant>
Great mix by a great mixer for a great mixer = wonderful listen GUARANTEED. Downloading ASAP.
"I just knew his world. It was like the world I grew up in in Dublin. I knew gangsters and drugs and I was even in a band. It was like he was a long lost brother."
Now this mix is what I call putting your best foot forward. Not to be left out I've downloaded and enjoyed immensely.
Now this mix is what I call putting your best foot forward. Not to be left out I've downloaded and enjoyed immensely.
You have a unique way of mixing up the good, bad, and ugly into a musical muesli. I often recognize the names of artists of the Old Continent (in this case Danyel Gerard, Dalida, etc.), and while listening to them provides a few seconds of nostalgic pleasure, I am usually quickly reminded of why I didn't really miss this kind of music too much. But then there's always the good, too; an artist I've never heard before but really like, such as Tommy Gumina on this mix. So thanks for providing these moments.
Oh yeah, and I do like the Franzl Lang track, too. :-)
Oh yeah, and I do like the Franzl Lang track, too. :-)
That catchy catchy flapperette has caught me!
AOTM high school?! I'd be the merry prankster! Anyway, Alex, this is wonderful like usual. Amazingly upbeat all the way through and very melodic. P:ano to the end is beautiful.
aint no g like the 123! Haven't tried this out yet, but excited to!
Great Mix, Who is speaking on the end of side 1?
Homecoming King, I could see that. I'll fluctuate between the stoners and the band geeks like in real life. Very nice tribute, Alex.