talia j

Member Since: 3/15/2001
Total Mixes: 66
Total Feedback: 10

all things go

Artist Song
Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins  Run Devil Run 
The National  Daughters of the Soho Riots 
Sufjan Stevens  Chicago (Acoustic Version) 
Horse Feathers  Hardwood Pews 
Bright Eyes  I Must Belong Somewhere 
Calexico  Bisbee Blue 
Modest Mouse  3rd Planet 
Andrew Bird  Plasticities 
Iron & Wine  Sodom, South Georgia 
Mirah  Mt. St. Helens 
Bjork  Boho Dance 
Kathleen Edwards  Somewhere Else 
Nada Surf  Neither Heaven Nor Space 
Boxharp  Church in Calhoun 
Cry Cry Cry  The Kid 
Wilco  Airline to Heaven (Live) 
The Mountain Goats  Against Pollution 
Neko Case  At Last 


Subtitled, removed for giving away the punchline: "songs about places, songs about faith." A mix made as a combination "birthday/welcome to town/glad to have met you" gift. Of course, the track-listing somehow reflects none of these sentiments.

The recipient is a fascinating person I don't know well yet -- raised a devout Mormon, realized in her mid-twenties that she was gay, and worked closely the church to come to terms with it right up until she finally left the faith. Clearly, these things were on my mind when I sat down to come up with the tracklist, as was the fact that I don't know her musical tastes and wanted to assemble something she'd enjoy listening to. I think that this is the more nuanced successor to three of my previous theme mixes: fingers stab the map like hope, the village atheist, and we are all dying of consumption (the city sins). It's also the softest mix I've made in a long time.


Rob Conroy
Date: 2/23/2008
This looks lovely, really, and if it's anything nearly as fine as those three previous mixes (the first two of which have always been favorites of mine), I'm sure it's tremendous.
Date: 2/23/2008
looks lovely and finishes very stongly.
Date: 3/25/2008
Airline to Heaven is a real classic.