
Member Since: 11/3/2000
Total Mixes: 72
Total Feedback: 71

Other Mixes By Infrared

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
CD | Theme
CD | Mixed Genre

I'll Get Back to You On That

Artist Song
Petra Haden  I Can See for Miles 
Stone Temple Pilots  Dancin' Days 
The Walkmen  We've Been Had 
Ben Flods  Bastard (Live @ Tower Records) 
Stereolab  Vodiak 
Funki Porcini  Theme Music For Nothing 
Jens Lenkman  Pocketful of Money 
The Raincoats  And Then It's OK 
Beck  Black Tambourine 
Mosquitos  Vagalume 
Lush  Lit Up 
Pete Townshend  Never Ask Me 
Four Tet  Hands 
True Love Always  Party Time 
Velvet Underground  I'm Sticking With You 
Pipas  Riff Raff 
Paul McCartney  Maybe I'm Amazed 
Donald Fagen  Walk Between the Raindrops 
Rush  Making Memories 
Talking Heads  Cities 
Mark Eitzel  Sacred Heart 
Led Zeppelin  Fool In the Rain 
Ratt  You're In Love 
Shudder to Think  Saddest Day of My Life 
They Might Be Giants  Pet Name 
Belle and Sebastian  Wrapped Up In Books 
R.E.M.  Driver 8 
Hugo Largo  Jungle Jim 
Peter Murphy  Cuts You Up 
Sugar  If I Can't Change Your Mind 


A high-capacity iPod is a nostalgic music geek's best friend. The 'Shuffle Songs' function doesn't usually produce coherent playlists, except once in a while. Like this time. Well, to me it coheres...

Let's face it, no one hears pieces of music the same way because individual songs are tied to each person's individual experiences (associations with particular corresponding places, times and friends, etc..,), so I can push this list as a collection of good songs, but to me, many of them are snapshots from, variously: college study sessions, coffeehouse singer/songwriter open-mic's, late night roadtrips with a now-deceased childhood friend, lounging poolside on a Medditerranean honeymoon cruise, high school rock band rehearsals, handling bongos on a barely-rehearsed version of Zeppelin's "Dancin' Days" with some musician friends onstage at a bar in Tucson, relaxing in a former lover's East Village apartment, parousing the CD racks at various used music stores, playing a slasher victim in a teenage brother's D.I.Y. camcorder horror movie, acoustic guitar mimi-jam sessions in a friend's living room, spontaneously dancing with a friend in the aisle of a supermarket at midnight, dancing with my wife on our wedding night, bouts of insomnia watching alternative rock music videos into the wee hours, nights out with friends at cheesy hair-matal clubs, nights out with friends a decade later at hipster downtown bars, etc, etc, etc... I enjoy these songs as much for the memories the evoke as for the quality of the songs themselves.

So yeah, no one else would hear this mix the same way I do, but for me, hearing these songs all in a row was like flipping back and forth to random pages in a giant photo album...

Okay... after all that blathering about subjectivity and context, I'll allow myself this one declaration: If the alt-rock revolution produced a more perfect pop song than Sugar's "If I Can't Change your Mind", then I haven't heard it.
image for mix


Date: 3/2/2008
If you want to break up big blocks of text, just type <p> where you want the new paragraph to start.

Nice picks by Stereolab and Raincoats.
Date: 3/29/2008
Kuds to the mp3 player in general.