Other Mixes By The Misfit
Theme - Narrative
Theme - Narrative
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Twenty Fierce Raincoats
Artist | Song | |
Raincoats | No Side to Fall In | |
Raincoats | Fairytale in the Supermarket | |
Raincoats | Adventures Close to Home | |
Raincoats | Off Duty Trip | |
Raincoats | No Looking | |
Raincoats | Life on the Line | |
Raincoats | You're a Million | |
Raincoats | Lola | |
Raincoats | Only Loved at Night | |
Raincoats | Shouting Out Loud | |
Raincoats | And Then It's OK | |
Raincoats | Dancing in My Head | |
Raincoats | Rainstorm | |
Raincoats | No One's Little Girl | |
Raincoats | Balloon | |
Raincoats | Dance of Hopping Mad | |
Raincoats | Love a Loser | |
Raincoats | Babydog | |
Raincoats | Don't Be Mean | |
Raincoats | 57 Ways to End It All | |
If you asked me to name my one deserted island disc, 9 days out of 10 my answer would be the first Raincoats album. For reasons both musical and personal, no other album so consistently fills me with joy. Unfortunately, that album is only 35 minutes long, a distinct disadvantage for an extended stay on a lonesome atoll. In addition, some of my very favorite Raincoats songs are on their other albums. So, on my next excursion on the Minnow, I'll try to remember to stick this compilation in my pocket, just in case.The first eight tracks are from "The Raincoats" (1979). Tracks 9 through 12 are from "Odyshape" (1981), 13 through 16 from "Moving" (1984), and the last four are from the happily successful reunion album, 1996's "Looking in the Shadows."

My exposure to them has been limited thus far...would love to further my education by giving this a listen.
An old raincoat won't let you down!
This is "Dancing in My Head".
wasn't really too familiar with these gals until rob posted his raincoats mix, & now i think they're just great - lovely round-up here
Far superior to the dirty macs, they're smart and feisty women. Adventures Close To Home sounds as good now as the first time I heard it nearly 30 years ago.
Excellent tribute!
I love these guys and did one of these a couple of years ago (or was it last year?)... I'm forgetting the title at the moment. Great mix, though.
Terrific Band. Just got their first two albums, must get hold of the other two mentioned here. Although I do have 'No One's Little Girl' from a compilation. Agree with your assesment of their debut - Love tks 1 & 3 on this mix, I'm a fan of <2 min pop songs...
Great to see you compiled their best, would love to hear it if the opp'ty presents.
I'm not yet familiar with their entire discography, This would be a great place to start. Nice!
Nothing from the live album?