Other Mixes By shunn789
Soundtrack - Soundtrack
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Theme - Narrative
Theme - Narrative
Cardinal Rules
Is it a concept album or just a mix trying hard to camouflage itself as one? The barrier to entry may be high for some, but I like to think those who make it through the first nineteen minutes will find themselves carried away by the logical progression through two long song suites. Then a hidden track will bring the theme full circle. Maybe. [album art full size]Feedback:
great stuff - thank you - bad reputation by thin lizzy - wow! - you made my night.
This looks really interesting. I should give it a listen...
Yes, very intriguing. Looking forward to hearing it!
intriguing notes, bill. i will definitely check this one out. thanks!
Don't believe me! I'm a big fat liar.
Tacvba and Lobos, muy bien.