between the click of the light and the start of the dream.

Artist Song
headphones  slow car crash 
arcade fire  no cars go 
volcano, i'm still excited!!  trunk of my car 
the sea and cake  bring my car i feel to smash it 
wheat  death car 
the dirty projectors  darkened car 
snow patrol  chasing cars 
mike doughty  i wrote a song about your car 
radiohead  killer cars 
m83  car chase terror 
built to spill  car 
the magnetic fields  in my car 
bright eyes  classic cars 
her space holiday  slide guitars and moving cars 
pele  a car full of japanese gangsters 
death cab for cutie  two cars 


60 minutes; for rachel, whose last name is all over this mix.


anthony lombardi
Date: 4/27/2008
well done - i like alot of these songs, namely the arcade fire, radiohead, mag fields, & death cab tracks
Date: 4/30/2008
Oooh! Another slamming car -tunes mix!