
Member Since: 11/21/2007
Total Mixes: 13
Total Feedback: 10

Other Mixes By freddieismyqueen

Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

Fasten your seatbelts. A conversation with Bette Davis.

Artist Song
All About Eve [1950]  "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night." 
Brand New  Seventy Times Seven 
All About Eve [1950]  "Autograph fiends! They're not people. They're little beasts that run around in packs like coyotes." 
Tegan and Sara  Superstar 
All About Eve [1950]  "You're not much of a bargain, you know. You're conceited and thoughtless and messy." 
Hot Hot Heat  Goodnight, Goodnight 
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? [1962]  Joan Crawford: You wouldn't be able to do these awful things to me if I weren't still in this chair.

Bette Davis: But y'are, Blanche! Y'are in that chair! 
Ween  Spinal Meningitis 
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane [1962]  Bette Davis: Just that nosy Mrs. Bates going on about your picture last night.

Joan Crawford: Oh really? did she like it?

Bette Davis: Oh really? Did she like it? She liked it. 
Joey Scarbury  Believe It Or Not [theme from "The Greatest American Hero"] 
Now Voyager [1942]  "Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars." 
Fame Soundtrack  Fame 
Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte [1964]  "You're a vile, sorry little bitch!" 
Mindless Self Indulgence  Bitches 
All About Eve [1950]  "As it happens, there are particular aspects of my life to which I would like to maintain sole and exclusive rights and privileges." 
Queen  I Want It All 
All About Eve [1950]  "I hate men." 
DVDA  Now You're a Man 
Dead Ringer [1964]  "Loved? You never loved anyone but yourself!" 
Jessica Harper  Me of Me 
What Ever Happened To Baby Jane? [1962]  "Oh, know we got rats in the cellar?" 
Crispin Hellion Glover  Ben 
All About Eve [1950]  "Lloyd, honey. Be a playwright with guts. Write me one about a nice, normal woman who just shoots her husband." 
Rilo Kiley  Silver Lining 


This one is an older mix and was just something I made because it seemed like it would be really fun. I was partially inspired by "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"; during live showings of the movie, the audience calls out 'call-back lines' or 'AP lines'. A lot of times, these 'AP lines' are inserted between bits of dialogue in the movie to change the meaning of the line being said on screen.EXAMPLE:AUDIENCE: Hey, what's white and sells hamburgers that taste like shit?BRAD: Didn't we pass a castle back down the road a few miles...?I did this mix as a sort of REVERSE callback. I inserted songs around Bette Davis's dialogue or callbacks as it suited my fancy. This isn't a mix that I could listen to everyday or anything, but it was extremely fun to make.
image for mix


Rebel Princess
Date: 5/6/2008
How come AoTMers seem to be able to read my mind? I was just reading about queen Bette today... And you ended it with "Silver Lining". I love that song, it's summer-y and the weather's crap today.
Date: 5/6/2008
Your last 2 mixes are both utterly brilliant. Great, great stuff - a belated welcome to the site from me: any plans to upload these?
lipstick vogue
Date: 5/6/2008
I think my favorite moments of this are "Spinal Meningitis" and "Ben."
Date: 5/6/2008
Check out this from tornadoZ.
strange loop
Date: 5/7/2008
Awesome lead in to the WEEN track!Cool idea for a mix too.
Date: 1/3/2010
Looks lovely. That picture of Davis used to be my screen saver.