Other Mixes By Curtis_Burns
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MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Song is the Corrupter of Space
6/15/08 - Eliminated Sonic Youth's "Karenology."Feedback:
Thanks for disambiguating me on a few of these...
Hells yes, CB! I think I know damn near all of this one for a change. That Nadja track blows my head apart in the best possible way. So great.
Whats a little coruption among friens?
Another fine Burns creation. And I actually know a few of them again! Whoopee!!
I am looking forward to my head being blown apart!! Thanks, Sir.
al dente
This looks very intriguing. Can't wait to be corrupted.
Always love different takes on Satie's pieces. I'll be listening shortly.
Mesmerizing > Track 8 is wonderful..
i feel woefully left out - will have to rectify this ASAP
lovely opener and closer on this bit of "Curtisology." got deliriously lost in the middle, as usual.
Pretty cool.
saw thrones recently...ominous and operatic.