
Member Since: 6/15/2008
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 22

Heavy Strings and Regret for not Being a Better Son

Artist Song
Mogwai  Yes! I am a Long Way From Home 
Smashing Pumpkins  1979 
Sufjan Stevens  Seven Swans 
Slowdive  Machine Gun 
Death Cab for Cutie  Sound of Settling 
Defiance, Ohio  Petty Problems 
Flobots  Stand Up 
Moby  Raining Again 
The Flaming Lips  Do You Realize?? 
Stars  Sleep Tonight 
The Cure  Letter to Elise 
Cocteau Twins  Carolyn's Fingers 
Siouxsie Sioux  Into a Swan 
Faith and the Muse  Shattered in Aspect 
Belle and Sebastian  Sleep the Clock Around 
Elliott Smith  Tomorrow Tomorrow 
My Bloody Valentine  Blown a Wish 
Depeche Mode  Home 
Cloud Cult  Love You All 


This is for my mother. Each song is dedicated to a certain aspect of my mother, either in her relation to me, in relation to her personality, or in relation to events in her life.

This won't make up for years of being a pain-in-the-ass, ungrateful, undeserving, short-tempered, ne'er-do-well son, but it's what I have right now.

I love you, mom.


Date: 7/8/2008
Your mom is lucky.... Trying to incorporate that Mogwai song into a mix I've got in the works right now. Really like 2,4,11,12,15,&17 as well. Welcome to AOTM!
anthony lombardi
Date: 7/8/2008
amen! love the death cab, flaming lips, cure, b&s-elliott smith-MBV run especially
e. buster
Date: 7/8/2008
#9 for your mom... Now that's just the best. Lots of great tracks here and the fact that they will mean something special to the recipient is just icing. Well done.
avocado rabbit
Date: 7/12/2008
Nice to see. A mix for my own mother wouldn't be quite so positive. I shall survive, as Gloria Gaynor once sang.