because we separate (roygbiv, volume 1).

Artist Song
ted leo and the pharmacists  bomb. repeat. bomb. 
sonic youth  streamxsonik subway 
hot hot heat  shame on you 
no doubt  in my head 
the kinks  lazy old sun 
boy least likely  hugging my grudge 
garbage  cherry lips (go baby go!) 
ima robot  pouring rain 
fountains of wayne  today's teardrops 
beck  beercan 
camera obscura  lunar sea 
radiohead  reckoner 
cheap trick  downed 
the mountain goats  cold milk bottle 
the cure  halo 
portishead  pedestal 
coco rosie  butterscotch 
rufus wainwright  go or go ahead 


60 minutes; for laura. next month we're roadtripping to disneyland, so we'll need mixes for the car ride. this is volume one in a series of songs having to do with rainbows.


Rebel Princess
Date: 7/14/2008
Rainbows you say? Must check out. And thanks for that Rufus track, I had almost forgot about it.
Date: 7/14/2008
yaaaay rainbows! I haven't started making mixes for the roadtrip yet, but once school is out I will be all over it.
Date: 7/15/2008
Great for getting yourselves in gear, so to speak. Glad to see you have FUN stuff planned for the near future.
anthony lombardi
Date: 7/15/2008
this looks very, very lovely - 5, 6, 10-15 & 18 are quite beautiful
avocado rabbit
Date: 7/15/2008
Who better to be music director for the Disney trip? Looks great.