Other Mixes By Texas Hobart
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
The Present
Artist | Song | |
David Wrench | The Present | |
Erick Brown | Letting Go Of the Past | |
Dave Ehlers | Walk With Me | |
Dick Dujour | Therapy | |
the Greencards | Time | |
Erik Mongrain | Fates | |
Becky Spencer | Guilt Is A Stalker | |
David Rubin | Depression | |
Robin Hubert | Just For Today | |
Donovan | Happiness Runs | |
Lanny Sherwin | Mistakes | |
David Kleiner | This Human Heart | |
Cat Stevens | Don't Be Shy | |
Donna the Buffalo | Life's a Ride | |
Kieran Kane | Shadows on the Ground | |
Stacey Earle | Just Another Day | |
Jack Nitzche | One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Op ening Theme) | |
Tara Nevins | Troubles | |
Jack Nitzche | One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Closing Theme) | |
Bob Neuwirth | Turn It Around | |
Leo Kottke | Here Comes that Rainbow Again | |
Well,i don't know what to say about this one except i've been listening to it a lot lately.I've been posting a lot lately and it feels good to get these mixes off of my chest.I'm always making them so it's a real pleasure to share them with you.Feedback:
It's always a pleasure when a Texas Hobart mix shows up here. Donovan, Donna the Buffalo...and Jack Nitzche! Looks like a good 'un!
I've come across a lot of Kieran Kane lately in my collection and on this board. This is sure a present for us.
I need more Bob Neuwirth in my Present. Kudos for the Cuckoos.
Great present for us all to enjoy. What's with all the Daves? Wrench, Ehlers, Rubin, Kleiner. Just wondering.