Texas Hobart

Member Since: 2/27/2004
Total Mixes: 67
Total Feedback: 135

Other Mixes By Texas Hobart

Cassette | Mixed Genre
CD | Blues
CD | Blues
CD | Mixed Genre

The Present

Artist Song
David Wrench  The Present 
Erick Brown  Letting Go Of the Past 
Dave Ehlers  Walk With Me 
Dick Dujour  Therapy 
the Greencards  Time 
Erik Mongrain  Fates 
Becky Spencer  Guilt Is A Stalker 
David Rubin  Depression 
Robin Hubert  Just For Today 
Donovan  Happiness Runs 
Lanny Sherwin  Mistakes 
David Kleiner  This Human Heart 
Cat Stevens  Don't Be Shy 
Donna the Buffalo  Life's a Ride 
Kieran Kane  Shadows on the Ground 
Stacey Earle  Just Another Day 
Jack Nitzche  One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Op ening Theme) 
Tara Nevins  Troubles 
Jack Nitzche  One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (Closing Theme) 
Bob Neuwirth  Turn It Around 
Leo Kottke  Here Comes that Rainbow Again 


Well,i don't know what to say about this one except i've been listening to it a lot lately.I've been posting a lot lately and it feels good to get these mixes off of my chest.I'm always making them so it's a real pleasure to share them with you.


Funky Ratchet
Date: 11/10/2008
It's always a pleasure when a Texas Hobart mix shows up here. Donovan, Donna the Buffalo...and Jack Nitzche! Looks like a good 'un!
avocado rabbit
Date: 11/10/2008
I've come across a lot of Kieran Kane lately in my collection and on this board. This is sure a present for us.
Date: 11/10/2008
I need more Bob Neuwirth in my Present. Kudos for the Cuckoos.
Date: 11/11/2008
Great present for us all to enjoy. What's with all the Daves? Wrench, Ehlers, Rubin, Kleiner. Just wondering.