Other Mixes By John Marcher
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist
Mixed Genre
Words Not Allowed When Uploading Playlists #1 - ch_r
I thought this might be fun. And it was!If you would like a copy, there's a link up there.
hahaha.. great idea. I can't wait to see the rest of them!
Very clever! Personally, I've had much less problem with the [first four letters of the main ch_racter in the "Peanuts" comic strip], as highlighted by your mix, than I have with the [three-letter word which is often the very last word in a story or book].
Though, ironically, I had to resubmit this comment because I used the word "ch_racter" above. So, never mind.
Though, ironically, I had to resubmit this comment because I used the word "ch_racter" above. So, never mind.
I'm with Kulcher on which word is most annoying not to be able to type. But worst of all for me is the prohibition of semi-colons! Oh, my poor heart! Anyway, like the mix, especially Stereo Total and The Clash.
Admire your patience and perseverance in posting this!
Great theme. Richa rd Hell, the Clash, Husker Du, and Ray Ch arles stnad out for me, and I love seeing Kil ldozer.
I'd like to buy a vowel, please.
Never has the underscore on the keyboard gotten so much use.
Improvisation under duress, with b_t+#*n results!
I learned to do a little creative keyboarding from salman1, and now I can sOnd whatever comments I want! except semicolons. that Knlldozer track didn't come through on this one, but the rest of it did. really liked The Chsrms, Bill Bedley, Hope Sandoval & the Warm Inventions and Charlie Rich tracks. if I remember correctly, that Stereo Total song was the ÷pening credits theme from the 1964 Bette Davis horror movie w/ Olivia de Havilland and Agnes Moorehead.
oh yes