
Member Since: 2/11/2004
Total Mixes: 14
Total Feedback: 6

Other Mixes By McFly

CD | Theme - Break Up
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Romantic
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Cover Songs

the longest unzipping of my life

Artist Song
poe  hey pretty 
bloodhound gang  i hope you die 
1000 mona lisas  you oughta know 
save ferris  mistaken 
no doubt  ex girlfriend 
limp bizkit  re arranged  
weezer  why bother 
belle and sebastian  century of fakers 
ani difranco  dilate  
nada surf  robot 
helium  honeycomb 
jets to brazil  little light 
jimmy eat world  no sensitivity 
fiona apple  sleep to dream 
liz phair  never said 
oleander  i walk alone 
willy porter  angry words 
frank sinatra  they can't take that away from me 


This is a sequel to my other mix "like sands through the hourglass." I found out that my ex was cheating on me with my EX best friend... So it goes. Angry angry angry -- and I know many of the songs are cliche, but a lot of it is just for me to yell out while going 95 mph on the freeway. The others are for me to mope quietly in a corner by myself.


Date: 6/2/2001
PS. The Frank Sinatra song at the end of the CD is me being sappy and stupid but hey, it works kinda I guess... in any case, I hate these people but we had good times while they lasted.
Talia Jacobson
Date: 6/2/2001
wow. i think if someone had handed me this tape and said, "so what's this one about?" i would have been able to tell. nice job, and points for inclusion of the sinatra.
Date: 6/2/2001
i KNOW i have heard the title somewhere very recently. is it in a movie? or a book? hmmm. good mix :)
Date: 6/3/2001
I actually got the title from the Poe song -- well, the remix, anyway... listen to it, you'll see what I mean.
Date: 7/7/2001
Nice-you included some you like the When the Pawn...album? Some good 'fuck you boys' music. :)
Date: 7/24/2001
Great mix, sickening story. Sorry to hear about the whole deal. The Nada Surf song "Robot" is a perfect culmination of an unperfect situation.