
Member Since: 10/15/2001
Total Mixes: 28
Total Feedback: 155

Other Mixes By joatmon

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the mix that refuses to be posted

Artist Song
sigur ros  gobbledigook 
tv on the radio  dreams 
new order  hurt 
ofra haza  im nin'alu 
ween  mutilated lips 
the residents  sinister exaggerator 
stars  death to death 
outkast  pink and blue 
tom waits  big in japan 
buck 65  dang! 
devo  mongoloid 
pink floyd  one of these days 
peter gabriel  intruder 
lightning bolt  2morrow morrow land 
chrome  tv as eyes 
radiohead  15 steps 
my bloody valentine  soon 



Date: 1/17/2009
this is actually an 80 min CD entitled 'burn after listening vol. 2'. i've tried to post it since posting vol. 1 with no success until now. both discs inspired and made for victoreatworld and his seemingly random mixing style that never ceasesto surprise me. on these mixes i tried to emulate his style to some degree but really couldn't muster the courage to throw artists as disparate as joe jackson, chromeo and slayer on a mix and make it work. anyhoo, i've enjoyed the results of both mixes and tip my cap to tricky vic!
Date: 1/19/2009
I like....
Date: 1/23/2009
Thanks for not giving up on the posting. Very eclectic, personal playlist.
Date: 1/26/2009
Both volumes capture the spirit of randomness and whimsy that I normally exude. The transition between the Tom Waits song to Buck 65 is something I would've totally done. Standouts are Atlas, Mogwai, Primus, Ofra Haza, and Sigur Ros tracks.

Fabulous job, my nemesis.