super relax

Member Since: 3/3/2006
Total Mixes: 212
Total Feedback: 87

Other Mixes By super relax

CD | Mixed Genre
Playlist | Mixed Genre
CD | Dance - Techno
CD | Electronic - Ambient

My 2008

Artist Song
PJ Harvey  Silence 
Pale Saints  Thread of Light 
Goldfrapp  Happiness 
Cocteau Twins  In Our Angelhood 
Liz Phair  Fuck and Run 
The Cure  C.harlotte Sometimes 
Blonde Redhead  Chi F e non F 
Benoet Pioulard  Triggering Back 
Prototypes  Je ne te connais pas 
Stereolab  Tomorrow Is Already Here 
M83  Kim & Jessie 
Lykke Li  Breaking it up 
Benoet Pioulard  Ash into the Sky 
Cocteau Twins  Musette and Drums 
Thomas Fehlmann  Camilla 
Stereolab  Les Yper-Sound 
M83  We Own the Sky 


so last year, I picked a favorite song that I couldnt stop listening to each month. And now, I have a nice neat little retrospective of my life in 2008.
Track 13 is from my favorite album of 2008, "PrTcis," by Benoet Pioulard.
All the following tracks were the runners up, s.elections from absolutely essential albums that came to me in 2008. "Head over Heels," by Cocteau Twins, "Pop Ambient 2008," (a compilation), "Emperor Tomato Ketchup," by Stereolab (Ive had this one for years, but I really listened to it in 2008), and "Saturdays=Youth," by M83
I also made a best of 2008 using only music that was released in 2008. see it here.


Date: 1/25/2009
Jings! Crivvens! Help Ma Boab! After picking 25 Scottish artists for Jock'n'Roll - I missed the Cocteau Twins!! Aarrgghh!!
Date: 1/26/2009
Hooray for Les Prototypes.
Date: 2/1/2009
that's such a great CT album. my favorites are "Sugar Hiccup" and "In the Gold Dust Rush."