
Member Since: 1/25/2008
Total Mixes: 75
Total Feedback: 78

Other Mixes By whaleshrubbery

Playlist | Alternative - Punk
Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
Playlist | Mixed Genre
Playlist | Mixed Genre

Driving I (Country Roads)

Side A
Artist Song
yo la tengo  by the time it gets dark 
nick drake  one of these things first 
simon and garfunkel  america 
smog  i was a stranger 
american football  five silent miles 
10,000 maniacs  these are the days 
counting crows  mrs. potter's lullabye 
gorky's zygotic mincy  how i long 
fleetwood mac  landslide 
Side B
bruce springsteen  4th of july, ashbury park (sandy) 
ryan adams  come pick me up 
yo la tengo  the summer 
wilco  kamera 
the fiery furnaces  crystal clear 
little wings  light green leaves 
sting  fields of gold 
tom petty  time to move on 
the feelies  it's only life 
yo la tengo  green arrow 


My Christmas Present To My Lovely Lady. I made a collection of six tapes that each have different themes for driving. This tape is ideal for summer in the country.


Rebel Princess
Date: 2/17/2009
There are no words for how much I love "Landslide". I have "Come Pick Me Up" on a driving mix too, it was made for that! Great mix over all.