Other Mixes By Buddy Holly Convention
Mixed Genre
Ringwald On My Brain, Cusack In The Rain
I'm recovering from an injury right now so what am I doing? watching 80's teen movies. I started to think of a mix that was made up of songs recorded in this decade but with a real feel for the types of pop music that were going around in the 80's. I think I came up with a reasonably diverse collection of songs that would have sounded right at home in a John Hughes movie in 1986 as it does in my bedroom in 2009. But you be the judge.Feedback:
Funny you should link Cusak and Rain, because he was on author Barry Eisler's wish list for casting John Rain in the new film Rain Fall.
Please take it easy and recover.
Please take it easy and recover.
I wonder what schoolyard John Hughes hangs around these days. He did make some entertaining movies, though, and the mix looks quite suita~ble for one.
Sounds like fun.